23 Following

Avery Moore

Unraveling - Elizabeth Norris This was a nice read, but despite the incorporated scifi-elements, it did not seem to be something "new". I had a hard time relating to the characters, was not a fan of Janelle and Ben's relationship and would have liked to see more worldbuilding and fewer pages. It was not a bad book, just not for me.
Half-Blood - Jennifer L. Armentrout I absolutely adored Armentrout's Obsidian and I could not wait to dive into this one, but it just had too many similarities to Vampire Academy. Nonetheless, it was a very enjoyable novel and I will give the sequel a try.
Shadowfell - Juliet Marillier Beautifully written and amazing worldbuilding. I loved how Neryn and Flint's relationship developed, but the novel was slow-paced and even a little boring at times, plus Neryn was not a very interesting protagonist. Despite that, I will definitely pick up the sequel.
Opal - Jennifer L. Armentrout Endings like this one should be forbidden! Absolutely heartbreaking. And as usual, I am in love with Daemon. I needed that sequel yesterday. Maybe it is not the best novel out there, but I freaking adore it. If you haven't started this series yet, you should!
Valkyrie Rising - Ingrid Paulson I had several issues with this book. For one, how the author talked about "European" stuff. I was born and live in Europe, and quite frankly it annoyed me. Europe is not one homogeneous area, but rather a very diverse place.Secondly, I just could not get the worldbuilding. I was so excited because, well, Valkyries! However, the story did become unbelievable at times.Thirdly, the character arcs. I just could not believe Graham's arc at all, nor Ellie's.To end on a positive note, what saved this novel in my opinion was Tuck. What an amazing guy. Give me one of those, please.